Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Another project beginning?

So I guess now I have to get on to the next project..... I was looking through my ravelry queue and wondering what to get moving on.....
I have no clue! LOL

I do know that a few sweaters are on ther and I wonder if I should start on an new one, or if I should bang out another top-down raglan while I have the modifications in mind.

So next post should have an image or two for the swap that I am in... the packet is done and I just have to get it sent off to England. I am pretty excited to get her reaction. I like what I have created, and I want her to get it before Halloween..... I can hope that customs will smile on me.
Sorry that I have no pics today. See you later.


Aesderina said...

I think you should make a list of gifts you would like for christmas.. loL

Ilix said...

awww, Aimes! LOL