Sunday, June 13, 2010

World Wide Knit In Public Day

I was at 88 Stitches yesterday for the first of the WWKIP days. It was a great day to be outside. Beautiful weather, not too hot, lots of sun, perfect. There was a great group that and our lovley hostesses had coffee, snacks and cookies. Thanks so much gals! I had a great time, and made some good progress on my Ox Blood sweater.... and then I had a yarn issue so I had to switch to my Essential Cardigan sleeves, until I could get home to check out the dye lots.
I had started a new ball, and the red was a bit different.... oops. Thankfully, I did a check at home and it was only the one that was a different dye lot. Whew! So ripped the odd one out and started a new ball again.

I did post up on the main WWKip website a Langley gathering for next week. The Tuesday group had been talking about paralelling it with the Langley Community Day, as we did last year. Last year was a fluke, but this year, it's a plan! LOL Check out the site for directions and details.

Bring whatever you want to work on, not knit exclusive. Hope the weather will be just as good as this weekend was. Hopefully I will be alot farther on my sweater.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Sunshine finally.

So today was sunny, I baked some muffins and bread, ran some errands with my husband, knit a bit and had a really long walk at the local dog park with my Sam.
Pretty good for a Saturday all in all. Now it's hot tea and knitting on the couch with my husband.

Just wanted to stop in, say hi and hope you are all having a good weekend too. More in depth later.