Friday, February 27, 2009

We got a puppy....

Click the title and it will take you to images of the type of dog we have.....

NO that is not my dog.

Our little one's name is Sam he is heartbreakingly cute, and terribly piddly. LOL
I promise to post pics, and update you on the little knitting I have gotten done!
I was sent a lovely packet from my pal Erika and I will share that too!

No we are not crazy, and yes I am getting some sleep..... but wow... is this going to be a heck of a new experience. Wish me luck. Two fur babies!

Now Simon wants outside! Yikes.

More later, have a good Friday!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sadly... not as much progress as I would like.

I planned on swatching for a Central Park Hoodie.
I planned on having another BSJ done.
I planned on being ready to put the decoration on the Barnyard Dance blanket.
I planned on reading or listening to a book.
I planned on getting some more of the Sea Shawl done.

Sadly none of this happened. I think I was over Zealous, and since I decide that this weekend I really did want to eat and sleep, and I had chores to get done.....I was less astoundingly productive than I wanted.
Progress was made however on the Barnyard Dance.....
I started two BSJ (I am unsure if the yardage on one wil be sufficent so I am hedging my bets and have a second one just barely begun.)
I have to Sew up Jelly Bean, but it is done and I will share photos shortly... I just sooo want to share the fantastic and amazing construction wilth the girls at knitting on Wendesday. I MUST show it off... that EZ she was a genius!
I highly reccomend it.
Pictures in a bit...... have a good Monday!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A few gifts...

Wow.... big!

From the swap... I told you I would share...
First a fantastic little dishcloth, that is in use right now... so no you can't see it sorry that may be a bit gross.

Next a lovely cowl in a really neat yarn... super cozy!

Finally a GIANT bag! See the lovely lining (her first ever sewing project) A new home for travelling knitting projects! :D

Awesome gifts. Thanks Miss May!
Updates on other projects later! Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's coming back......Project Spectrum 4

Hey there... I am so enthused about the new incarnation of Project Spectrum, and I wanted to share it with you guys.
Grab the link in the title to get to Lolly's blog, she is the mind behind the great inspiration.

This year is the Cardinal Directions here is a quote from Lolly's post on the Ravelry board.

This year, we will base the exploration around FOUR colors - one for each direction - and participants can combine and mix these colors with any other color. Each direction is also traditionally linked to a natural material, and you can choose to work with these materials for your projects, i.e. glass beads, wooden buttons, metal pins, etc. For deeper interpretation, you can also choose to incorporate the related seasons and elements in your creative projects.

NORTH (March/April)
Color: Green
Material: Stones/Gems/Rocks
Season: Winter
Element: Earth

EAST (May/June)
Color: Yellow
Material: Wood
Season: Spring
Element: Air

SOUTH (July/August)
Color: Red
Material: Metal
Season: Summer
Element: Fire

WEST (September/October)
Color: Blue
Material: Glass
Season: Autumn
Element: Water

PS: Cardinal Directions starts on March 1st, 2009!

So I think that this will be great!!

I am already percolating ideas and plans, as I know many folks on the Ravelry Project Spectrum board are as well. If you aren't on ravelry, or a knitter... it doesn't matter. Join in!

Draw pictures, make paintings, do ATC's!!

The great thing about this idea is that is exactly what it is..... an IDEA.


I promise that I will let you know how I am going ahead with my inspirations. I hope we can all share! Have a great week.... more photos, and another update later.

Sunday, February 01, 2009


Alright, so I have completed four projects this month and completly knit 9 balls of yarn.

Meet my new yarn bank!
Not bad!
Here is the first Log-cabin styled blanket. Plain cotton, white alternated with a purple/green verrigated. Simon felt like being helpful and testing it out....

I did have to buy another jumbo ball of cotton to complete this project, but as it is a new purchase it is not included in the totals. I went ahead and cast on another cotton based blanket and have almost use up the whole new jumbo ball of white. LOL may be I will count it after all.....

I have also completed the Confection Blanket that was hanging outhere for a long time... I would have to check on ravelry to see when it was started, but honestly it was ages ago. Probably 6 months. Done now, and waiting for a new home with one of the pregnant ladies I know.

Hmmm... let me see, I completed the Twlilight mitts as you know and have seen.... and the fourth is escaping me at the moment..... I think the mitts I made for my mother were done this month too. Dang, I know I was very happy to have completed four projects.

I have some great plans for this month. I am going to knit two baby sweater patterns. The Baby Suprise Jacket and the Two needle Feburary Sweater, both created by Elizabeth Zimmerman. To search the project lists for these two sweaters is staggering! I think that there are over 2000 Baby Suprise Jackets already knit on Ravelry, and it is in over 3000 queues! There are so many variatons, and intresting yarns, bet that if you have one ball of something worsted at home, you may be able to make the BSJ! LOL I have several balls of wool and other washer-friendly yarns that I am going to try to use and get out of my stash for these two cute projects!

I have taken a few pictures of the gifts from our Christmas swap, but I will share them next time, I feel like I have given you enough bandwith-clogging pics for today! LOL Have a great week!